Allow players to be added on round robin brackets without resetting the whole thing.
Isn't it kinda silly when the point of having a round robin is to have everyone fight everyone else? I find it quite annoying that I have to wait til all of my players enter when I could have already started with the same results. I love your site, I really do but in this case what is the point when you can do the same thing easier on paper?
SlowFreddy Felson commented
I am running a round robin where I knew their would be late entries and even drop outs. I added extra phantom players A,B,C,D... then when the late players joined I just edited the participant and replaced "A" with the players name. people understood that if they were playing "B" in the 3rd round that they don't have an opponent yet.
Gino Lisignoli commented
I would also really like this feature. Myself and a few other run various street fighter leagues where players can 'sign in' at any stage.
Adding this feature would make organizing our games much easier. -
Sean Fellows commented
Well, a Round Robin is what it is, but I would like to be able to add players late nevertheless. I understand that the late-joiner won't have a fair shot at winning since they haven't played as many games, but the RR I'm trying to run is more for fun than for glory.