Multi-Stage tournaments (preliminary round robins + knockout)
Shipped at last! We’ll follow up later with API support and alternatives to Round Robin for the group stage.
Holsie commented
we run a roundrobin tournament with 3 wins to qualify going through to a main knockout round and non qualifiers playing in a consolation(Losers) round is there any way to automatically seperate them into their prospected knockout rounds based on this information
Atlantis_Rising commented
I am following a league that I have no input on, but I need to be able to adjust the matchups for each week. Is it possible to change the matchups in the first stage, or am I stuck with what I have?
pboppart commented
One suggestion . If tour directors are manually entering the scores or points . Designated that unplayed ties are recorded as -1 point tie . Therefore a played tie would then be recorded as a +1 point tie for showing up
Arul Tresoldi commented
I'd like to know if is it possible to add this feature for round robins: atm is possible to auto-start a tournament (players can set results starting from a specific date and hour); is it possible to set also a deadline? Sadly, in round robin tournaments it happens that some match is not played; so what? Tour directors has to set a tie for all the undone games, in order to set players for the next round? And what happens if a tie means they get 1pt? They obtain free points by not playing? Not so fair...
We should insert a deadline (date and hour) OR the option to "end the tournament" before all matches are actually done.That said, I'm staying on double stages tours with RRobin at first: if a player get the full score (all wins), why can't be set as "Set to advance" immediately?
Seth commented
Question: I need a tournament format that I'm unsure about. Basically we want the number of games to be the number of teams x 3 divided by 2. Is there a way to setup Swiss or Round Robin to fit that format? Each team needs a minimum of 3 games I believe. I know its not necessarily typical but need to know how I might sort this up using the API. Been toying with Round Robin but can't get exactly the game number output I need. Is there a triple elimination format? Is that maybe what I need?
Lucas Bittencourt commented
Why can't I set to advance to next phase, for example, two from each group, but also the best third? Or the two best thirds? Is there a way to do it?
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
Single and double elimination group stages are available for testing on our staging site:
We're planning to make them available on the production site within the next couple days.
Stéphane Henriot commented
Hey @OptimusRhymez,
It seems to me that your issue #2 is already adressed (I agree that there should be a choice for #1). Would you have any example?
OptimusRhymez commented
Thanks for pushing this out, god knows it's been requested for a while but have I a couple problems with it.
1. The groups should be created based on the seeding instead of going down the list and just chunking them into groups of the specified number.
For instance instead of groups being:
Group A (Seed #1, Seed #2, Seed #3, Seed #4)
Group B (Seed #5, Seed #6, Seed #7, Seed #8)
Group C (Seed #9, Seed #10, Seed #11, Seed #12)It Should be:
Group A (Seed #1, Seed #6, Seed #7, Seed #12)
Group B (Seed #2, Seed #5, Seed #8, Seed #11)
Group C (Seed #3, Seed #4, Seed #9, Seed #10)This problem is more of a time saving and quality of life change, as you can switch around the seeds to fix the groups, but it's a hassle and takes time which could otherwise be used for playing matches.
2. Challonge should at least attempt to make the final bracket correctly based on placements in groups. It should place the seeds out of group stage correctly so that not only are the group winners getting byes(or depending on the number of players in the final bracket, the lowest player getting out of groups), but also prevent as many group rematches as possible.
That aside, I really appreciate the work you guys are doing. Thanks!
Stéphane Henriot commented
It seems to work well, thanks.
However, I would have a request.
Would it be possible to have every single player going to the second stage? It is sometimes used, for seeding for instance.
For example, when trying groups of 4 with 4 advancing, there is this error message.
« Please correct the following issues and try again:
Group stages participant count to advance per group must be less than group size »
I get why (obviously) > is not possible but it seems to me that <= should just work fine.
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@Wilson Thanks! And yes, double elimination will likely be the next group stage format supported.
Wilson commented
Congrats on shipping!
Are there plans to add different types of prelim rounds? Looking for single winner/dual winner (someone from winners and someone from losers) brackets to feed into Top X Double Elimination bracket which tracks their loses specifically
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
Just one more bug to clear before this gets deployed *today*. Thanks for your patience!
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@dbodden1019 there won't be API support on day 1, but we'll follow up without too much delay.
On track to deploy this tomorrow or Wednesday morning.
dbodden1019 commented
Will there be API support for these multi-stage tournaments? I have a fairly complex web app built and this would be a welcomed addition.
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@Audun Yes, predictions will work for the final stage. As for the group stage, we have no plans to support predictions at this time.
@James I'm _hoping_ to release it this week, but it's too early to say definitively. If we need to follow up with optimizations after load testing, we may have to delay.
Audun Marøy commented
This looks very promising. Are there any plans for predictions in the group stage? Either on a game to game basis, or for final group standings?
James Strickland commented
@David - multi-stage tournaments look awesome (just tested on staging). Any idea when this will go live on the main site? We're hosting a tournament kicking off on Friday. Any chance it will be live before then? Cheers
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@Stéphane Henriot thanks for testing that behavior. I'll give the seeding logic a look and get that fixed soon. We're just about ready to roll this out. This issue, tie-breaks (already working on my development machine), tabbing between groups & finals in embeds, print/image views for groups, and load/performance testing are all that remain -- might sound like a lot, but we're finally in the home stretch.
Stéphane Henriot commented
Sorry if i'm late to the party but are you guys aware that the Groups -> DE doesn't currently seem to follow usual seeding rules?
Examples include or with groups winners facing each others during Winners Round 2 (instead of 3?).