Accept bracket predictions for any tournament
Accept predictions for user knock-out tournaments (single & double elim), similar to the NCAA tournament hosted on Challonge.
prediction extension is available now for single elim. support for the winners bracket of double elim will be added later
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@zeldark bracket predictions are now available for double elim winners brackets. Thanks for the reminder to get this done!
AdminChallonge (Admin, Challonge) commented
@zeldark just needed a nudge to remind us of this. I made a note to investigate this within the next couple days, so I'll hopefully have good news to share soon.
zeldark commented
I'm going to guess with a response from almost 4 years ago we can't expect double elimination predictions anytime soon?
RIP_Jarhead commented
When will the predictions be available for double elim?
Thank You