Multiple Round Robins
I think it would help to allow users to specify how many round robins to have in a tournament. I'm going to be running tournaments that require a double round robin format, so this would be a great help.
Just released!
Now that you can do multiple round robins, the schedule list of matches can get really long, so I’d like to follow up later with a match grid.
Russell Lewis commented
Feature looks good. I just need ability to specify who faces who in each round (and do it through the API too!)
Eclipsow commented
They should totally let this be open-source now.. They are not giving any updates for a long time and this answer is the proof. 3 years and a half later, no sign of this functionality.. :/
I mean this tool is very powerful and useful but new things need to come otherwise some other tools will get better.As far as i know, this isn't open-source. Open-source it would make it live longer, and i'm speaking from a dev point of view.
Jim commented
*Taps Microphone* Is anyone out there? I would gladly support the site with my dollars if this was implemented. But the last response was four years ago...
Anonymous commented
I want to see that bedore dying
Mateusz commented
Hi David
Our group will be happy to use Challonge for our gameplays if you support double round-robin for group phase. It would suit us just fine. Is there any chance for seeing that in the near future?
I am looking forward to hearing from you. -
Jp & Heather Jones commented
perhaps you can do it in a way where the results based on rankings could be then placed into a new linked group.
so lets say you have 24 players that play in a group round robin format.
at the end of that first stage. you set it up so we can just like it does now forwards the number from this stage we specify in this case lets say we specified it like this
1-6 group A
7-12 Group B
8-14 Group C
15-24 group Dthose stages could be anything round robin or double/single etc.
Ed Blankenship commented
Couldn't agree more! We have a double round-robin tournament too that feeds into the seeding for final bracket play. Is there any update? It looks like the last update was in December 2013 :(
Alvar commented
Please add this very useful feature!
Jeremy commented
Please add this soon! I agree with so many others. Looks like it's been on the back burner for a while, what can we do to get it moved to the front. Love this site.
Anonymous commented
Definitely need this please. Great site.
Cosmin Faur commented
This is a must... I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented yet.
Bill Roland commented
First, I love this site! We are a small group of volleyball enthusiasts and get together to play for fun. We have used Challonge for several tournaments. With a double round robin option, we would be able to run a league. Using the results to seed an end of season tournament. I know this has been on the back burner for a few years. Sure would love to see it pulled to the front!
Angie commented
We use double round robins in our pool tournaments. Right now I'm doubling up the dates and entering scores as separate sets. It works but would be so much nicer to have each match on it's own line.
Hockey League commented
To clean up the round robin presentation, you could allow tournament organizers to hide certain rounds, which would help with tournaments that limit the amount of rounds played each week.
Devil Kirby commented
I think that we should at least be able to decide how many times each team plays each other in a round robin, instead of just 1 time.
Luk commented
C'mon, add it!
Manuel Rödig commented
I need this!
Anonymous commented
Double Round Robin still not here...
maxwellgrigson commented
What the hell. Posted in 2011 replied to in 2013 and still not a feature in 2015? Is this a matter of forgetting or laziness.
Rich commented
Double Round Robin are a must for FIFA tournamentsUpdate us on the progress!